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Yummy Toonies

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds


Format Formats : 104x1'

Cible Targets :Preschool

Genre Genre :Edutainment

Production Production companies :Cherry Picking, Ellipsanime, Storimages

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Rénato

Année de réalisation Production year : 2010

Auteurs Authors : Muriel Bienenstock

Versions Versions : Chinese, Corean, English, French, Mexican, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Vietnamese

Pays Country : France


Making healthy eating a real treat! A sweet narrator “chef” guides young viewers through step-by-step recipes and into a world where colour and taste combine to create magical dishes. After watching Yummy Toonies, kids will have a totally different view of what’s on the menu.


Major Broadcasters

Awards and nominations

Key facts

- Based on the "Having Fun Makes you Hungry" book by the Belgian sociologist Muriel Bienenstock.

- The series enables preschoolers to discover in a fun and interactive way the various food groups: Fruits & Vegetables, Cereals and Breads, Dairy Products...

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