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The Magic Roundabout

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Execution time: 0.0002 seconds


Format Formats : 104x11'

Cible Targets :Preschool

Genre Genre :Comedy

Production Production companies : Les Films Action - Play Productions - Ellipsanime

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Graham Ralph, Raoff & Stéphane Sanoussi

Auteurs Authors : Serge Danot

Versions Versions : Anglais, Arabic, Chinese, English, Espagnol, Français, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Italien, Latin Spanish, Portuguese, Russe, Russian, Spanish

Pays Country : France


The Enchanted Village is a happy place ruled by Zebedee, the naughty wizard who just loves to play tricks. He annoys the plucky young Florence, her dog Dougal and all their friends. Every day, all villagers unite to help those who have been tricked!


« We are so happy to have the lovely Magic Roundabout in our programming! »

Nicole Keeb

Major Broadcasters

Awards and nominations

Best Export Award Nomenee

Key facts

A modern revival of a classical hit

A worldwide licensing succes

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