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Quiz Time

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Execution time: 0.0002 seconds


Format Formats : 104x4'

Cible Targets :Young Kids

Genre Genre :Edutainment

Production Production companies :Ellipsanime; Studio Redfrog

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Nicolas Haye, Jérôme Bétrancourt

Année de réalisation Production year : 2011

Versions Versions : English, French

Pays Country : France


Hey kids, are you ready to stimulate your brain? Our host, Professor Zack, introduces Sally and her brother Max, who compete with a new team in each episode for the day’s Big Prize. Through satellite link, a special guest joins them to ask a question which has to be resolved by the contestants in 3 turns.


« Nothing better than Quiz Time to stimulate kids' brain! TV5 Monde is proud to have this dynamic, colorful and educative program in its catalogue. Thank you Mediatoon! »

Virginie Landru
TV5 Monde

Major Broadcasters

Awards and nominations

Key facts

An interactive game for young viewers where children will learn numbers, improve their visual memory, motor coordination, perception of colors, spatial awareness and their ability to put together a strategy.

26 episodes are dedicated to deaf and hard of hearing children.

Developed with early childhood care specialists.

Commissioned by Disney EMEA (Europe, Middle East. Africa)

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