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50 Shades of Greek

Execution time: 0.0005 seconds

Execution time: 0.0002 seconds


Format Formats : 60x3'

Cible Targets :Teens

Genre Genre :Comedy

Production Production companies :Haut et Court

Auteurs Authors : Jul

Versions Versions : English, French

Pays Country : France


The myths are not dead: they are among us! 50 Shades of Greek presents the greatest myths of Greek antiquity in a modern setting: Hercules enrolls at the Acropolis Unemployment Office, Zeus visits his lawyer to negotiate the alimony claimed by his many conquests and Icarus launches a budget airline. Discover Olympus in its entirety, through our very own common heritage!


Major Broadcasters

Awards and nominations

Key facts

Adapted from the comic strip written by Jul

, also author of the hit series Silex & the City.

Finalist at the Political Comics Award in 2017.

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