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The Darwinners

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Execution time: 0.0002 seconds


Format Formats : 180x3'

Cible Targets :Teens

Genre Genre :Comedy

Production Production companies :Arte, Haut et Court TV, Je Suis Bien Content

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Jeremie Hoarau (S1), Jean-Paul Guigue (S2&3)

Année de réalisation Production year : 2012

Auteurs Authors : Jul

Versions Versions : English, French

Pays Country : France


A hilarious parody of our society! The Darwinners, a cutting-edge family living in 40 000 BC, try to propel their contemporaries into modernity. Blog, a hunting instructor, and Spam, a Prehistory teacher, try to deal with their two teenagers: Url, their son, an anti-darwinist activist, and Web, their daughter, who could kill for leopard leggings as the fashionista of the family!


« The show is a great success everyday on our channel and on our online service. »

Hélène Vayssière

« The Darwinners is the perfect choice for our teen slot as this animation is both daytime-friendly and very appealing to the demanding teenage audience. »

Elisa Tynkkynen

Major Broadcasters

Awards and nominations

Key facts

The Darwinners storms to the top of the ratings

with the largest audience of any animation series on French television in 2013.

Adapted from

the best-selling comic books by Jul.

Animated movie

in development

In the same collection

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