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Valerian & Laureline

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Execution time: 0.0002 seconds


Format Formats : 40x26'

Cible Targets :Kids

Genre Genre :Adventure, Comedy

Production Production companies :Dargaud Marina, Europacorp, Satelight

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Philippe Vidal

Année de réalisation Production year : 2006

Auteurs Authors : Based on the work by Christin & Mézières

Versions Versions : Chinese, English, French, Hungarian, Polish, Turkish

Pays Country : France


Fun and adventure through space and time Our two time travellers appear to be the only humans in an unsafe galaxy where the nightmarish Vlagos are conspiring to control the universe. Valerian and Laureline take us on adventures where the audience will be sure to be amused by their constant bickering...


« Congratulations to the Valerian & Laureline production team! The series was very well done: polished production, good scripts (lots of action) and dialogues full of fun and humor! »

Isabel Mimoso
Canal Panda

Major Broadcasters

Awards and nominations

Key facts

2017 has seen the release of a brand new live-action feature film directed by Luc Besson (Nikita, Taxi, Taken).

"Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" will star Dane DeHann as Valerian and Cara Delevingne as Laureline.

Released in the USA and in France (where it has received 4 million viewers in the cinema reaching 34,8 million Worlwide)

in July, and in China in August 2017.

The Comic book series influenced the movie "The Fifth Element" by Luc Besson,

in which JC Mézières worked as an artistic director for the background design.

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