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Story of Christmas

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Execution time: 0.0002 seconds


Format Formats : 1x52'

Cible Targets :Family Co-viewing

Genre Genre :Edutainment

Production Production companies :France 2; CFRT; La Fabrique; Les Films du Triangle

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Henri Heidsieck

Année de réalisation Production year : 1994

Auteurs Authors : Jean-François Laguionie, Alain Royer

Versions Versions : English, French

Pays Country : France


Christmas : what it is all about and where the story all began... This animated film tells the story of the birth of Jesus, the anger of king Herod, the flight into Egypt and Herod's attempt at killing Jesus. The story is seen through the eyes of a donkey and an ox who witness the birth and do what they can to protect the child...


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