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Little Vampire

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Format Formats : 52x11'30''

Cible Targets :Young Kids

Genre Genre :Kids Entertainment

Production Production companies :Toon Factory

Année de réalisation Production year : 2004

Auteurs Authors : Joann Sfar

Versions Versions : English, French

Pays Country : France


The grass is always greener on the other side… When a cast of likeable monsters enters the world of a regular little boy, the mischief they create takes them all on a rollicking ride of fun and antics! Michael is a little orphan who lives with his grandparents. By day he goes to school, but at night he hangs out with Little Vampire, a friendly nocturnal creature, and his monster friends, in his haunted house. Both Michael and Little Vampire are enchanted by the other's existence and enjoy discovering their alternative worlds.


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Awards and nominations

Key facts

Based on the popular graphic novels by Joann Sfar - Ranked among the Top 10 Children's books (NY Times)

Animated film in production for 2020

The comic book saga is back with a new, epic season: 10 albums already released!

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