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Blake & Mortimer

Execution time: 0.0002 seconds

Execution time: 0.0002 seconds


Format Formats : 26x26'

Cible Targets :Kids

Genre Genre :Adventure

Production Production companies :Ellipse Animation; Canal +; M6; Dargaud Films; Cactus Animation; France 3

Réalisateur Filmmaker : Yannick Barbaud, Stephane Bernasconi

Année de réalisation Production year : 1997

Auteurs Authors : Edgar Pierre JACOBS

Versions Versions : Anglais, English, Français, French

Pays Country : France


Spy adventures, suspense, fantasy... Officer Blake and Professor Mortimer dabble with sci-fi and risk their lives every day in London, Paris, Cairo, and Tokyo. Based on the popular comic strip by Jacobs, this action-packed thriller is set in the fifties.


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